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Martí Gasull

A short story

In a room in Barcelona, ​​one day like any other, Miró contemplates a picture with his hands suspended in the air, as if he wanted to stroke it. At another point in the same city, Hernandez Pijuan paints at the table of his workshop, with a cigarette lit waiting for him to the ashtray. A while later, Guinovart created a work on the outside of the Polygraph's workshop; It seems to have forgotten, like the others, the presence of his trusted photographer and the relentless purpose of the camera he loads.

«A story in the open, Martí Gasull» is an exhibition that presents moments captured in the processes of creation of different artistic agents, such as painters, critics, poets or designers, most of which, portrayed in intimacy, between the seventies and the beginning of the century. The photographs - some of which are unpublished - have been made by Martí Gasull, who can be attributed one of the most rigorous and frank photographic archives of the contemporary art scene in Catalonia. The images chosen allow the enjoyment of unrepeatable scenes from the familiarity of those faces that are a fundamental part of the story of Catalan art from the second half of the 20th century, but also from the oddity of contemplating an ephemeral moment , indefinable and fragmentary. The photographs, of a captivating beauty, shake something that is apparently safe and familiar and, on the other hand, has a disturbing ability, just because it can reveal what they do not show. The exhibition also presents several works by Guinovart, which, far from being auratized, symbolize, in this context, something material, corporeal and gestural of the work of the artist.

The exhibition expresses the desire to open spaces - from artistic and collective practices - to try different ways of generating and perceiving stories (artistic, social, cultural, political, etc.). This means disturbing something rigid and canonical (starting with the history of art), shaking everything that appears as complete or separate (such as knowledge and disciplines) and infecting the exercise of an unfinished look that can only be given from the body This is where the photographs of Martí Gasull make possible, or rather, to push through the gaps of the story of the arts in Catalonia, which opens up a privileged territory to ask (-nos) questions: how the images intervene in contemporary stories? Have you reconfigured the limits of the public and private sphere? In what way can it affect being able to be photographed in almost any moment? What strategies do creators use today to share their images? Does overexposure of images neutralize the look? And, finally, the photographic record can play a creative role or is it just a testimonial?