The educational offer of the Espai Guinovart Foundation presents a series of activities aimed at educational centers during the school period.
The proposals are linked to the exhibition of Space, and its purpose is to meet the artist Josep Guinovart and his work. The artistic contents of Espai have the landscape, memory and the people of Agramunt. A rural and vivid territory for the artist. The work axes are:

• Plastic arts and artistic procedures.
• The personal history of the author and the town. Bonding
• The territorial and landscape environment

• Encourage and sensitize children and young people to our cultural heritage, contemporary art and the artistic phenomenon in general.
• To publicize the work of Josep Guinovart that belongs to Agramunt, its surroundings and its inhabitants
• Stimulate the direct contact between children and young people with the exposed works and facilitate the approach to the plastic language of Josep Guinovart from a reflective perspective.
• Introduce the experimentation on materials, instruments and techniques in order to facilitate their own plastic expressivity.
• Relate the elements that make up the work with the immediate environment of the children.
• Develop the ability to observe, establish relationships and logical deduction.


• The theme, the colors and the technique of the work that Josep Guinovart exhibited in space and the plastic language as a communication vehicle.
• Agramunt and Urgell. Geography and referential history. Vegetation and crops, the traditional tools of the field and its anthropological function.

Forms of student work:
Careful observation, visual and conceptual understanding with participation

Children's education
Primary education student.
Compulsory secondary education student.
Student of training cycles of specific vocational training.
Baccalaureate student.

Maximum number of students:
Maximum 25 students per group in the case of pupils in pre-school and elementary education.
Maximum of 30 for students of compulsory secondary education and of the Training Cycles and Bachelor.

• Espai Guinovart, a pedagogical approach.

Thursdays and Fridays from 10 am to 1 pm.
Information and inscriptions:
Pre-arranged by phone or email.
Tel. 973 39 09 04 |
Activity price:
Guided tour (25 students): € 40.
Guided tour + workshop (25 students): € 60.
1 or 2 teachers or accompanying teachers are required per group who are responsible at all times of the group they accompany.

    Let's experience

    Infantil, Primària

    This workshop is designed so that children can touch, feel and feel the natural materials that Josep Guinovart uses or recreates in his work.

    Structure of the workshop visit:
    Visit and workshop with monitoring
    Maximum: 25 students
    Duration: 1 hour and a half
    You have to make a previous reservation

    The Forest Siscar

    Infantil, Primària

    This workshop is specifically designed to bring the artist's sculpture closer to them, we will create an imaginary forest while remembering Josep Guinovart's childhood experiences. Through volumetric shapes and materials, we will approach the art of the third dimension.

    Structure of the workshop visit:
    Visit and workshop with monitoring
    Maximum: 25 students
    Duration: 1 hour and a half
    You have to make a previous reservation

    Nature in a triptych

    Infantil, Primària

    In this workshop, where the whole classroom works in groups, the collage technique becomes the driving axis of this proposal for infant and primary education. The combination of the textures of the natural materials, their colors, the shapes and the freedom of each child in the creation of the mural, composed of 3 sheets of paper and cardboard (75*120cm), is what gives relevance to the workshop..

    Structure of the workshop visit:
    Visit and workshop with monitoring
    Maximum: 25 students
    Duration: 2 hours
    You have to make a previous reservation

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