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Guinovart at the school

From the educational services of the Private Foundation Espai Guinovart, we contemplate art as an educational tool to strengthen the different school programs. Starting from here, we offer a wide range of proposals focused on the knowledge of the artist and work of Josep Guinovart and contemporary art directed at the different educational cycles.

The opportunity to collaborate with school centers reaffirms us in the role of museums in contributing and awareness of their true role in society, which must be to develop a clear social function and at the same time express our desire to To create synergies with the schools with an unequivocal purpose, to help improve the learning and the development of the children and to contribute to change the perception of the world as well as its social transformation.

Josep Guinovart, was the creator of Space and everything revolves around his work and thought. The Foundation is clearly part of Josep Guinovart 's will to disseminate and bring contemporary art to the community, since he knows the work of Guinovart, apart from his talent and his constant innovation in technique and art , as well as his international career, will know that in each of his works his clear will of social transformation is implicit, through the critical and constant questioning of the society in which he lived.

Guinovart's social commitment is reflected throughout his artistic career, but above all, in the seventies with his free, informal, material and forceful language of vivid primary colors. The presence of the sign, the writing and the letter in the own pictorial work has become one of the most significant characteristics of its art. And just this language is what, from the educational services we want to convey.

Guinovart is an artist in constant transformation, but every time we find in his work the everyday world expressed in a direct way, by the insertion, on the same fabric or any other support, of objects extracted from the territory that surrounded him - grains of wheat, branches, leaves, stones, mud, plastic, glass ... - and the application of color, the pigment that gives the ultimate meaning to the work. It is, above all, with this type of material, which is part of our daily life with which we propose plastic work in schools because it brings a symbolic-poetic look towards the object and the multiplicity of textures and sensations that causes the material extracted from nature.

Students can experience the creative process of Josep Guinovart, approach the nearby natural territory, collecting elements of nature that will play a decisive role in expressing themselves and understanding a technique that will provide an endless array of incredible aesthetic possibilities.
For a child this sea of ​​possibilities that provides the color and the materials obtained, allows an expressive and experimental freedom that naturally facilitates an imaginative, emotional and cognitive richness.

As Guino confessed to us in the relationship between childhood, he believed that the most creative moments, above all in purity, transfer, ingenuity and creativity, were centered between children 4 and 6 years old. He rejected all that included a competitive valuation. Guinovart stated that schools are fundamental and the key to the future of plasticity and sensitivity. And to make this objective real, it offered the Space as a center where we could collaborate and work together with schools.

From the Foundation we have launched different synergies with schools, for example, temporarily ceding Josep Guinovart's original work in schools to be exhibited in conjunction with the works of children, by creating them in the center of a space exhibition In the Space, create large-scale projects with students and present the work done by students at the school.

Espai Guinovart offers the centers all types of consultation material, whether audiovisual, photographic or catalog editions to work in the classroom.