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Espai Guinovart

The Private Foundation Espai Guinovart d'Agramunt, opened in 1994, is the first center of contemporary art that was created in the Terres de Lleida, and is marked mainly by the will of Josep Guinovart to create a space for the creation and the promotion of contemporary art and, at the same time, a space with its work exhibited permanently.

The permanent work revolves around Agramunt, in its territory, its landscape and its people, which gives it an exceptional plasticity and conceptuality and that it is based on a firm commitment to the local with the will to become universal.

His is not a descriptive work. He does not imitate the outside world but he creates it. Guinovart, seizing space, creates a new world open to the memory of the spectator. 

Three central elements, the Mural of the Four Seasons, La Cabana and l'Era oblige the visitor to recover experiences such as the life cycle, the habitat in relation to nature ... and immersed in a universe of objects that They surpass their immediate meaning to become symbols, inner landscape.

Apart from this permanent installation, the visitor will discover different temporary exhibitions with works by Josep Guinovart as well as a space dedicated to the work of other artists called El Petit Espai.

    The Mural

    The Mural of the four seasons has been designed based on the set that forms the central part. One of the aspects that I considered essential was that from the moment of entry, the viewer visually glittered as the whole space flashes and, consequently, he felt both surrounded and free to follow an itinerary. It has, for example, the option of going to the right or left by leaving the center of the riddle of the cabin as a surprise, that the rhythm of the group will be discovered later. The concept of space is unity, not chronology.

    The Mural is designed not to be, despite its dimensions, a piece of force. It is a work with a clear and conscious coral vocation, it is like an atmospheric fund. Simplifications and smoothing point out the symbolism of the seasons.

    Josep Guinovart

    The cottage

    The cottage is a space in the space, it is 40 square meters, North, South, East, West. Memory, interiorization, dream, present. From the limits of a closed space, the real ceiling disappears.

    The holm oak central support, constellation, the walls transform into landscapes accumulating signs and memories of war. We stretch stripes, and myths, sgraffets and heads in the mud pit, the lightning coming out of the ground and buried. The geometric works of the bees, the wax that is made and undoes in the warm stubble.

    Josep Guinovart

    Th Era

    The era is a circle with a diameter of 5.5 meters of infinite time. Millions of sun-to-sun turns, stains and more stains, the curry that rolls and wanes. With the head and tail, the mules scare the távecs. Compulsory separation of the straw. Spaces and times of the era, soups and pork, lettuce and vinegar, the solitude of noon, siesta of desire and dreams. Forks and shovels in the wind, marinaded awaited. You'll be constellating and the wheat clean as the expected gold. Keys and moons, lost virginities, the endless wheel of the rising era, escapes and connects with the rain of pinks that go down, refreshing the faces of dreams of dawn. The voices of ancient animals, past energies, holm oaks and crosses and bodies that are and are not in the air, multiplying the mirror of time infinitely.

    Josep Guinovart