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Benet Rossell, Frederic Amat, Carlos Pazos, Joan Fontcuberta, Hannah Collins, Pep Duran, Evru, Perejaume i Antoni Llena

Una existència nòmada

New artists start from the nomadic concept, which evokes, inevitably, other notions, such as home, environment or way. Benet Rossell, Frederic Amat, Carlos Pazos, Joan Fontcuberta, Hannah Collins, Pep Duran, Evru, Perejaume and Antoni Llena clash under the intertwined sentences of Manuel Guerrero, which bring ties and coherence to the set of pieces. Each of them shows his vision of the main idea: eight pieces that remember the real nomad that was Guinovart when he reached Agramunt in the middle of the Civil War seeking an easier subsistence.
The same starting point brings different artists to coincide with ideas: paths, brains, nests and roads, or science and biology as the engine of our being. Images also worked by Guinovart: those seeds, the beginning of a new life; that feminine sex, discrete between grains of wheat, that invites to the pleasure of a new stage (Without title IX, 1993, or the eye of the wheat, 1992), and the eggs (Future and shells, 2003), keepers of life and of future. In the same way, Pep Duran shows us the empty nest of a bird and Frederic Amat presents the masculine sex as the beginning of a new existence.
The graphic print editorial Tinta Invisible produced this collection in the early 2000s, stamping it with different techniques in the same workshop where the prints of Guinovart were printed. The artists presented are consecrated professionals who are part of the same generation and have joined in a timely manner to share a topic, a space and a technique recovering the graphic work and the reiteration of key issues that Guinovart left us.
A commissioner consecrated as Manuel Guerrero coordinates "A nomadic existence", and from my humility as a beginner I recover the collection with a theme worked for a generation younger than that of Guinovart. Movements and nomadism are linked to the circumstances of the environment, which is changing at all times.
Young people look at the elderly and listen to their experiences and their way of understanding life, totally different from ours. This is coexistence, that is change.