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Guillem Llebrès


Guillem Llabrés is a vocational artist, with natural aptitudes for creation and a great craft. His painting is the logical result of his inner world, a world ruled by music. Musician-painter is not a binomial in him, but the same thing, music is a necessity that marks and transports magic to his creation, it has been her - the music that has logically led him to abstraction, a principle without which his work cannot be understood.

An abstraction with mystery, rich in the play of essays and discoveries with the most diverse materials, sometimes textures and others only the simplicity of the classic brushstroke in the service of the purest aesthetics. A solid painting for its chromatic richness and the strength of the stroke, an honest and human work, with a magical ability to turn music into plastic; gestures, signs, writing can also be found in his works, as in the case of this exhibition.

Guillem is a loner who understands life and creation in a personal way, in silence, far from the "paraphernalia" of the market. He is a free thinker who makes war on his own, rejects the system and vindicates painting by painting.

Lourdes Sampol