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Uwe Geest

The sound of the sand

So far I have exhibited my works in Spain, Andorra, France, the Netherlands, Great Britain, Venezuela, Morocco and soon also in Germany and Argentina. I paint with and on sand and earth, coming from many countries and from all continents. In a painting of mine, whether on canvas, wood or paper, you can find, for example, sands from the Sahara, the Caribbean, the Baltic Sea and the island of Zanzibar with land from Australia, Agramunt and Menorca.

I am interested not only in the geographical origin, but above all in the variety, the size of the grains, their brightness and their color, but also in their symbolic character when using natural materials as a means of pictorial expression.

Sand and earth mean, for me, origin and nature, closely related to the existence and history of man. I associate it with the past and the future, with something already lived and yet to be lived.

Sand and earth, that unites, that relates regions and times far from each other, that produces encounters between cultures, places and landscapes, generates their peaceful and fruitful coexistence and melts them in my paintings.

Uwe geest
December 1997