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Joanpere Massana

Plant Tautologies

"Tautologies Vegetals" is a series of works, totaling 15, that investigate the tautological fact in the dimension that this one falls within the scope of the formal investigation. Thus, the works, arise like the real element (occlusions of vegetables ) and the represented element (vegetables).

Regarding the inventory of signs and visual symbols of this exhibition, the tree would stand out, as an element of perennial evocation in the work of this artist; the red color and the bud of the rose, as symbols of life and its perpetuation; Fragments of molded plants or occlusions, which have the unmistakeable appearance of amber, and where the contrast between what is geometrical and what is organic is established. The combination of the part completely and completely by the part = leaf = set of leaves = tree, in a process similar to that of Japanese art; which is reached, among other things, through the concept of fragmentation and small scale. In this sense, if, for example, a vegetable is represented incomplete is because the viewer "paints" with the imagination the missing piece and, when doing so, calculates the germinative force internally. The smallness of the scale of these fragments or the observation of the most intimate of these structures, helps the concentration and absorbs the mental activity of the viewer. It makes you discover an infinite universe in something that can be absolutely small and, that is, if I do not wound up, what is meant by Joan Pere Massana. For this reason, this is why the artist calls for the participation of the viewer, based on pure contemplation. This creator is aware of offering us a theme with multiple interpretations, which must be supported by the more or less worked spirit of those who contemplate them. An empty viewer of images or without imagination, will not match what the work of Joan Pere Massana wants to suggest, since what he intends is to establish an intimate dialogue with the viewer, based on schemes and forms closed that invite you to the reflection
Manuel Gabriel Forn