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Guillem Viladot


All professions coined concepts that are integrated in their own speech with names or phrases that eventually get into the usual social language. This has been the case with psychoanalysis, many of which have become of even popular heritage. For example: neurosis, hysteria, narcissism, Edip complex, free association, unconscious, etc. Concrete, experimental, visual and, above all, conceptual poetry have tried to overcome the pure game and capture ideas or concepts. And more has the type of poetry called the object that still tries to magnify the symbolic value of the objects that surround us, and in addition to enhancing their aesthetic signifiers, providing them with conceptual content. In this case of SELF, it has been tried to establish a synthesis between psychoanalysis and an objective poem, and daringly, to make an exhibition in the Espai Guinovart d'Agramunt.

Guillem Viladot, October 1998