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Jovan Horvath

The rumor of history

All flocks of birds in the sky are different and yet they are the same flock. The waters of all the rivers run, always different, and it is the same water of the same archetypal river. Thus all the masses, made up of all men, of all times, are a single mass - the archetypal carrier mass and protagonist of History. The masses produce noise: shouts of lamentation, war, acclamation, jubilee. Hence, without doubt, the rumor symbol has been extracted. The rumor of History.
The masses are always double: active and passive, alive and dead, "us" and "they", those who give and those who take it. From there diptychs.
Each mass has a magnetic center, a focus of attention on all its components. This nucleus agglutinates the dough. It can cause or receive the discharge of the dough. This core can be you