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Albert Bayona, Jordi Jové i Gregorio Iglesias

Els Darrers Pintors (de Lleida)

Albert Bayona January 27 I February 20, 2002
Jordí Jové 24 February I 20 March 2002
Gregorio Iglesias 24 March I 17 April 2002

Postmodern globalization has brought the advances of visual arts to the territory of cold aura, where photography, creation video, electronic arts, installations, or net-art have prioritized the dematerialization of the artistic object for the benefit of discourse and concept, in search of an influence of the creative language in the social fabric.

Under these aesthetic currents, the "impulse" and "expression", which had been the foundations of painting, have remained subject to subjective criteria, with criticisms of being little determinants to solve the decline of culture western

Now - besides - that the geographies unify, and the differences are integrated, Lleida has seen the spectrum of its creators dimension, starting new paths to the internationalization of their purposes, while closing the cycle that tradition It had shaped the roots of modernity, in the isolation that had been the avant-garde of the 1930s, the Cogul Group, the Petite Galerie, and the epoch of the eighties enthusiasm.

Albert Bayona, Jordi Jové and Gregorio Iglesias have provided the generation behind this historical process. They close a cycle and open one another at a time. They are, after all, the PAINTERS. They take advantage of the exercise of painting, aware of the steps that this one has developed in the 20th century. They accept their legacy, and insist on the validity of the chromatic expression. They believe in the original act of the pictorial action as a manifestation of the pathetic interiority. Knowing that a final is also a beginning.

Josep Miquel Garcia