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AdriĆ  Creus Boix

Mixed watercolors and oils on canvas

Adrià Creus Boix (Barcelona 1957), which he usually exhibits in Girona, where he lives in Barcelona and Baden-Württenberg (Germany), opens in the counties of Lleida with this sample of mixed watercolors and oils on canvas. While all the work breathes an enchanted onirism and colorism that drinks from the sources of pop-art and psychedelia, it is concretized in each technique in a very different way: it is so matteous in oils as liquid in the watercolors This duality acquires the restless condition of the artist, who intends to recreate a personal world, reflecting the complexity and multitude of people who live in the same individual.

The exhibition will be presented by the Art Historian, Abigail Monells, and the event will be closed with a poetry recital directed by Susanna Rafart Corominas (Ripoll 1962), from which we collect two poetries from among the 10 "tanks and haikús "inspired by the mixed watercolors by Adrià Creus Boix

The leaves look for
the branches that made them
noble and high:
but it does not fit the order
whereupon it puts the water to them

As long as I am dying
still water hugs
quiet gardens