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Pilar Rosado

The form of freedom

One and two and three and many Guinovarts ... artists are generators specialized in images. In the collections of images of artists there are bonds of union, of formal kinship, that make them constitute a family of common meaning. The possibility of reaching the total visual content of a collection allows us to consider information to which we would not have access by analyzing only the parts, the properties of the whole do not result from the constituent elements but emerge from the spatio-temporal relations of the whole.

This is a Site-specific exhibition, made especially by the artist about works by Guinovart, seeking to establish common bonds and deepening the capacity of language to generate unique and unique discourses. The museographic proposal includes printed images, video art and projections. The work of the artist deepens in a production where the digital medium is also the concept and is full of attributed and attributed attributions. From places that we can not imagine, from the most imaginative impetuous freedom, the germ that gives rise to creation emerges, whatever its later manifestation may be. This work deepens in the extraction of this core of meaning to deconstruct it and formalize a new composition that maintains this capital lives.

The digital image is the territory where the artistic manifestation of the Pilar Rosado is displayed. Digital photography, possessing an extraordinary plasticity, not only captures a moment of time, it also reveals to its numerical matrix the information related to the forms that are registered. This photograph becomes a subject that can be modeled and is also a source of knowledge about our reality.

According to his perception: "Sharing space with a great artist like Guinovart pushes me to look for points in common, ties that link us. He, concerned about the language of materials, physical, very physical, until he reaches the object itself. I work with bits, of which many question materiality. Bits are symbols or mathematical representations of a physical quantity of matter, they are not real fragments. Perhaps the longing we share, despite knowing that it is impossible, has to do with organization, the desire for order and an approach to reality. "

Artificial vision is the path that leads to the field of illusion, where the artist hopes to find the form of freedom, which Guinovart built.


The artist, Pilar Rosado
The curator, Cleofé Campuzano