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Three trees

The conflicting relationship between man and nature has always been present in the artistic, poetic and essayistic work of Perejaume. In the video Prueba de mimologia forestal (2000) we could hear the sound of an oak forest of Montnegre. "A tree is aimed at humans," Perejaume wrote in the first sentence that appeared among the trees in this video. Among such unstoppable devastation, is it possible to give voice to nature? Is it possible to listen to and learn what trees teach us with their dumb and apparently incomprehensible life? Biology, anthropology, agriculture show us, like art, that man is not alone on earth, which is part of the same nature. In the three photographs that make up the Three Trees exhibition, Perejaume invites us to rethink our relationship with nature, giving the initiative to the poetic imagination and proposing an unexpected dialogue with the trees. The holm oak, dressed in unusual earrings; the apple tree with the drums scattered on the ground, which becomes a musical instrument when an apple falls on the skin of the timbal; or the cork that houses a wood of palms marked by children on the branches, they speak of a new and old language, the language of the metaphor, of the poetic image that, on a tree, grafted with everyday life , it surprises us and captivates us like a summer storm, like the fresh air in the morning.

        Manuel Guerrero