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Gabinet Gaudí:

Una experiència didàctica

The Gaudí Cabinet is a didactic equipment that was created in 1997 to attend school groups that visit the La Pedrera building. Its objective is to stimulate curiosity for Gaudí's work, to disseminate the contributions he made as an architect and to present his personal method of work.

On the occasion of the Gaudí International Year 2002, the Caixa Catalunya Foundation has created a "itinerant" Gaudí Office that puts the results of its experience within the reach of the schoolchildren of Catalonia.

The Gaudí Cabinet: a didactic experience, is structured in two differentiated parts that complement each other. One is a small replica of the Gaudí Cabinet, located on the fourth floor of the La Pedrera building, and the other, a complementary exhibition that illustrates it.

The Gaudí Cabinet is a workshop accessible to school groups, where the monitor that directs the activity - with the support of manipulable models, objects and projected images, and through a simple and understandable speech - presents the technical contributions that Antoni Gaudí did in the world of architecture.