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Ferran Lega

From the sound sublime

What is sublime has to do with the natural desire of the human being for exaltation, by the invocation of what connects us with the essence, by a concern about our relationship with absolute emotions, such as Barnett Newman (1947) expressed in his paradigmatic and inspiring text The Sublim is Now.

In this quest for genuine, sound is inscribed as an enriching element of emotion in everyday life. Ferran arrives, from the artistic point of view, generates a new event by pursuing the discovery of an original relationship with matter, landscape and invisible things, interacting acoustically and generating other relationships of perception, reflection and finding. In this sense, the artist develops in his work a series of interventions, using the summit as a tool for artistic expression and generating topographic glances (soundwalks) on spaces that investigate sound, natural and anthropic ecosystems, as well as the their representation systems.

 «From the sublime, the sound» collects a sample of sound art projects generated to date by the artist, who have seen the light in different cultural and exhibition spaces, in which it combines a dual, poetic and critical perspective with the primary elements of life and the environment. Sound, through the different compositional elements of materialization and dematerialization, is working in an expanded way, which gives rise to a language with its own identity. Thus he describes his motivation towards the processes that he develops: "As an artist and researcher, my creative work investigates the sound processes as a non-musical form of artistic expression, from a critical review of the human condition inherent in the hearing / sensing processes. In the development of my creative process there is a transgression in the loudness that stems from a sensory process that the viewer is an essential part ».

Everyday life, listening, phonograph records and experience blend in to create other looks that become a particular language with which to think about the world. Our daily life is contaminated by a continuum without stopping. The pieces that are shown here seek to find a turning point in accommodating our ideas to perceive things differently. The tangibility of the experience and the intelligibility of thought lose their fragmentary nature by being one. So, how does the incorporation of sound can exacerbate our senses and exalt our emotion to sublimity? Milton would say: "The mind is its own place."

Cleofé Campuzano