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Sandra Balsells

A step from the sky

The photography confirms, once again, that every work of art starts from a specific moment and a point, also concrete, of the space. But - we see it in every good picture - it must have been surprising that it is or is produced in those coordinates. The character's jump, a rainy day, on the pool of water, seen by Cartier-Bresson is as everyday as it is a surprising event. And yet ... Similarly, in front of these images of Sandra Balsells, we are shown that the viewers or protagonists of the situation or the process in question could not or could not appreciate. She had previously shown it, among other works, in her magnificent photographs collected in the book Balkan in Memoriam (Barcelona, ​​2002), and it is stated in this series on religious themes entitled A step from heaven.

Just a step from the sky, but on foot on the ground to attract people from different countries and cultures (Haiti, El Salvador, Mexico, Serbia, Kosovo, Croatia, Sicily, Romania) in religious ceremonies. Or large crosses loaded on the shoulders of an occasional Nazarene; or on the ground, in the midst of a large urban space to highlight an emptiness, existential and metaphysical. The famous punctum by Roland Barthes can be found in a glance, in the gun of the boy who died at the age of six years of the cemetery of the Belgrade cemetery, in the rosary raised by a protestor, in the shadowy or indescribable gaze of a child: something It hurts from the image to us before even we get to see it. Because Sandra Balsells knows to see what is in reality, but she reveals something that is perhaps beyond us, and attends her call.