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Carme de la Calzada

Oh, la mar d'allò


For these waters with roads in the background, the light is replaced by the beauty of darkness, the beauty being a black nihilistic lamp in the darkness of wisdom, in the light replaced by the darkness, in the non-light of the light that does not light on the unintelligibility, the true light of the non-being, where the light of every thing advances, the clarity of the beauty of darkened darkness, of the nothingness that is not not everything, of what is refractory to any idealization of the levels of depth by luck only apparent, of promising promise that sucks in the depth, which makes it a bifid shadow, which is also a way of saying as a broom of " a stethoscism that is unlikely, of a very good and true truth, badly that blushed by the darkness of a beauty that shadows incomprehensible to the drifting, without cause or purpose, without any other Identity that his absence of course or lack of replacement of that lantern, of the match go to the future, its appearance of two opposing languages ​​and which are promised to sub-represent each other and the other one at the same time swim for the level of fish that are not there, that they were there, they must come, they elliptically sweep elipsis into an ellipsis that, aforementioned, covers all this little bottom that comes from afar, that denies us, that demands beauty and promises: oh the sea of "What is the sea of ​​unintelligible as much as it can not be understood, obviated, overwhelmed, impossible to say!

Carles Hac Mor