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Heidi Rosin, Charlotte Marko, Virginia M. Raimundi



Search, examine and find. It is the accent of the artists Heidi Rosin, Charlotte Marko and Virginia M. Raimundi, the artists of this exhibition.

The painter Heidi Rosin looks for and paves the way for the charms of old materials and things to give them joint form in their art.

Charlotte Marko, after shopping, examines the plastic bags he has received to configure his artistic compositions, bridge between his rock-inspirational painting.

Virginia M. Raimundi, poetess of objects, also found in her bar of artists, among other waste materials, the wire that covers the plug and the protective cardboard of the bottle of cava. Bud of the product that undresses to fill it, transforming it into an artwork.

Its motto is to make random intention. Ennoble waste materials, undone of everyday consumer objects.

Heidi Rosin
Gelsenkirchen, Germany.

He specializes in paper and oil painting work.

Latest exhibitions:

Year 2004 - Erkner Stilbruch Gallery.
              ZeitZone Gallery in Berlin.
Year 2005 - "Kunstvoll" Neukölln-Arkaden of Berlin.

Charlotte Marko
Würzburg, Germany.

He works as an art pedagogue with children and young people.

Latest exhibitions:

Year 2004 - Berlin Stilbruch Gallery.
                   ZeitZone Gallery in Berlin.
Year 2005 - Aquamarin of Berlin.
                   "Kunstvoll" Neukölln Arcaden Berlin.

Virginia M. Raimundi
Born in Barcelona, ​​he currently resides in Berlin.

His critical perspective of everyday life is inseparable from his poetic and aesthetic work. Always at the poles of time and politically correct, it is current regardless of fashion, whether it's about texts, heads (characteristic drawings), object poems, collages, photos, installations or performances.

Latest exhibitions:
Year 2004 - Orient / oxident, at the Kreuzberg Library, Berlin.
              Reflections, ZeitZone gallery in Berlin.
              Exhibition at Esteffens in Berlin.
              Collective exhibition in the ZeitZone gallery in Berlin.