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Praise the great dimensions of a concrete art

Antoni Miralda (1942), trained in Terrassa, Paris, London, New York and Massachusetts, bursts into Paris in the late sixties and participates in the reaction to informalism with a creative proposal that, despite its obvious coincidences with Pop Art , redefines the scope and subverts it with a critical load supported by a totally caustic and devastating irony.

Integrating, with Benet Rossell, Rabascall and Joan Xifra, of the so-called 'Paris Catalans', Antoni Miralda is mainly a generator of events that through the use of resources from advertising, video, popular ethnography or gastronomy, It relates ancestral cultures to contemporary cosmopolitanism.

The exhibition brings together a series of documentation, original posters and objects related to several of the creative processes that Miralda has developed over the years; from the Honeymoon project, based on a virtual marriage between the statue of the Liberty of New York and the monument to Christopher Columbus, from Barcelona, ​​to the latest Food Culture Museum, where the artist experiences edible art and the gastronomic culture