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Robert Llimós

Game and puzzle

Game and enigma at Robert Llimós

Among the artists of its generation, the one that followed the masters of the second vanguard headed by Tàpies and Guinovart, Llimós stands out for a sense of demand and curiosity, which has led him to explore options as diverse as the conceptual and painting-painting or the new expressionisms, with rigor and coherence. Although it can be considered one of the best representatives of postmodern painting in its richest dimension, which made ludic and sensuality a tool for liberation and plastic reflection, Llimós has also shown a high sense of the formal and significant potentials of art.
Perhaps his magnificent Metamorphosis mural (2003-2006) indicates the genuine humanistic ambition and latent criticism in his work that, sometimes, could have been hidden behind the plastic virtuosity and the festive meaning that is also part of his aesthetics . From this work, his interest in germination emerged, from where the lucky series Llimós could be derived from the theme of the egg as a metaphorical element that refers to the birth and as a plastic unit of a language strictly personal
The egg works like a nuclear body that orders itself and evokes a world of formation, which is cosmic and pictorial at the same time. We could also appreciate a parodic aspect in its white and polished sculptures, which could remind us of the purist abstraction of the first avant-garde but, at the same time, encourage the establishment of fantasy figurative associations. Obviously, here is a margin for the fundamental question but, as Paul Éluard said: "what has been understood does not exist anymore."

Alex Mitrani