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Esteve Casanoves / Albert Vergés

Remor fluorescent

Gold and sugar Probably one of the things that most impresses us with the works and facilities of Esteve Casanoves is his physical and sensual result, his ability to work with unusual and surprising materials.

It is not the form or the concept, which is shown first. It is rather the mystery, ambiguity, lack of definition, which characterizes his work. The dialectic between the profane and the religious, between the natural and the artificial, between solidity and lightness is curtailed in all his works.

That is why this piece of Esteve Casanoves, made with the collaboration of Albert Vergés, interrogates and worries us. Far from conformism and common place, it transfers us to the territory of the unknown and the indefinite. Where does his art take us? We do not know

In a world of uncertainties and complex like the one we live in, it reminds us how sound and light are as important as color and form. We live in a fluorescence rumor, noise and stupor dominate our time, our society. You should know how to listen to the sound of the stones and see the light of the night.

Manuel Guerrero