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Daniel Argimon

Archeology of the present

One of the ways to reconcile-us with the temps és fer present, recover, there that will be appreciated by the seves artistic qualitats and the seva expressive vigil. An artist pertanyent to the generation of Josep Guinovart who deserved this attention is Daniel Argimon.

Daniel Argimon (Barcelona,1929-1996) has been one of the principal representatives of l'informalisme in Catalonia. To the seva work hi has a peculiar and paradoxical relation between resources and valors that sow oposats with the degradació, the detritus or the black and the bellesa, l'esclat lluent of the daurat or of the propre. L'escriptor Juan-Eduardo Cirlot, in a 1965 text, deia: "Argimon is a painter who mixes the data of that continuous death that transforms our life and forms an ash tail behind us" in a procedure that would portray establish an "archeology of the present".

The original chaos, the foetus and the symbolic figure d'Adam, are elements recurrents in the iconography of Argimon that ens indicate the seva concern for the naixement, per els començaments. The collage i les tècniques de cremat amb foc, on paper from diary, refers to the seva exploration of the desgast and the destruction, which is veuen contrarrestats per a pulsió ordenadora, in regulating rhythms. I of the phosphate sorgeixen in a reflexes metal·liques or apareixen a luxonal tonalitats that evoke a redeeming llum.

L'art d'Argimon will always have a critical component, more or less explicit. "Le banquero" ens thinking of the feta phrase "temps és or or" that André Breton inverted to the seu epitafi. Davant the need to accumulate diners per a feel-més segurs i protegits -sense resultats fonamentalmente positius-, Breton vindicates the temps with a font of saviesa i meravella, coneixement amorós i secret del món. In the mateixa línia, Argimon ens descobreix that hi has a bellesa en l'envelliment, in l'assumpició del pas del temps i, now, denounces the perversity of degradació, quan la irracionalitat and irracionalitat ens fan los perdre el sentit del present share

Àlex Mitran