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Collective exhibition

No serà veritat


The collective exhibition «It will not be true» brings together the result of different creative processes carried out from contemporary artistic practices such as illustration, installation or performance. The sample questions the criteria or truths that determine how an exhibition should be in terms of content and layout of the space. From there, it traces the discomforts and tensions generated by the pieces that were not created with the aim of being exposed, either because they are performative actions of which only the record remains, or because they are pieces that are located on the borders of art or, directly, outside of them.

The creations are gathered in three branches. In the first are the productions made in the context of trades not necessarily artistic, such as the photographs of Martí Gasull, who despite his prolific career is considered a technician; the textile collages created by Fiona Capdevila; the flashes (illustrated designs) drawn by the tattooists Tony Atichati, Templer and Jordi Nobile, previous transfer to the skin; or the posters of El Pressentiment, created by the collective Espai en Blanc, which manage to generate complex ideas in a single sentence.

The second branch contemplates those creations that are the result of a technical action, such as the illustrations by Anna Vila, Santiago Gómez and Bernardí Matas, which combine materials and procedures, from pencil to screen printing; the preparatory and essayist sketches of Josep Guinovart; Diego Rey's drawings, which are part of the visual and discursive course of the projects created as a member of elBullilab or individually; the ceramic pieces made by the artist Marta Jove; or the artisan embroidery by Núria Lozano, which undoes the archaic concept of the decorative arts.

Between these two territories pass the pieces of the third branch, characterized by generating discomfort, both by the use of technology and the fact of being in an exhibition, since they are in themselves ephemeral actions of which, once completed, there is only the record or some traces of what they were. In this section are the experimental communication actions of the Chinese artist Mo Popo, through his photographs or the encoding of a message in piece 520, as well as the messages of virtual reality in streaming, by Albert Tarrats. Likewise, Núria Saura's artistic research gathers this expressive concern, in which dissent is addressed in contexts with restricted and limited freedom of expression. Finally, there are the installations of Gabriel Ventura and Rosa Tharrats, on the one hand, and Gust Indisciplinat, together with Ricard Garcia, on the other. The first shows a reflection of the creative process of the artist's book W, while the second shares a new poem by Joan Brossa from verses reordered by computer algorithms.

Bárbara Bayarri
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