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America Sanchez

Romànic de prop.

Romanesque nearby. Inks on paper.
The collection of drawings «Romànic de prop» landed on Agramunt. The artist responds to the name of America Sanchez, artistic identification of Juan Carlos Pérez Sánchez (Buenos Aires, 1939). He signs his works honoring his mother, while adopting a strategy to differentiate himself and emphasize, since his original name led to confusion with other artists on the scene. Sanchez, with a professional career of fifty years in Barcelona, ​​is one of the most prominent designers of Catalonia; Thus it was recognized with the National Design Award in 1992. His projects were accompanied by other artistic practices, such as drawing and photography. It should also be noted that his learning was self-taught until he became a teacher. But, as he says: "Teaching I learned". Lately his artistic creation is based mainly on drawings; Works in series format, showing different contents, and with varied techniques.

The artist discovered the medieval style when he arrived in Europe, and since then he has it present. But when you are immersed in the world of drawing, you are losing yourself in the rooms of the National Museum (MNAC) and the monographic books of the Romanesque museums of Solsona and Vic, which begins to capture details of these great pieces of the history of the art reproduces and them in its factory, descontextualizing them of its space, giving them more size than the original one and altering the colors; a necessity that comes out of the impossibility of achieving the same tonalities and boredom that causes you to copy it perfectly. With this method, America fills in folders with portraits, details, animals and textures of the Catalan Romanesque, made with ink on paper and with small dimensions. The style that takes us to Agramunt connects with dirty art and the outsider, an art without limits.

«Romànic de prop» invites you to see the Romanesque with another look, a reading done by an artist with a long history. They are the small details of the great medieval murals that become unique pieces. The Romanesque one still loves our art and our daily life; It is a style that, after more than a thousand years, is still a reference.