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Luz Broto

Out early

One morning, James came up and, almost without breathing, he explained how he remodeled the old market town. The building, built in the seventeenth century, before being used as a market, was a convent of sisters Mercedes, and from the nineteenth century until after the Civil War was used as a municipal school. However, the market opened in 1948, ceased to be operational during the eighties and fell into disuse because it was a building too large for the amount of people that the population was then and, gradually, were going disappearing market stalls. It was not until the mid-eighties they decided to give it a new use and established with the help of various organizations and institutions, a foundation dedicated to art.

Joseph, the great promoter of the project, although not residing in the village, there remained a great link from his childhood and was known to all inhabitants of the region.

James explains, passionate relationship you had with Joseph in the spaces of the building that bears his name: the entrance to the temple, the roof of Roman vaults, space-square created from three facilities l'era giant, and the cabin wall, and the "streets" are those who, access to the tower, the basement, the museum and the small space, much earlier hexagonal, as a unit space within a space within a space, but also constitute a chronological succession of these areas or, as he likes to remember, as the operation of Russian dolls or matrioska, arranged largest to smaller or vice versa.

The temporary exhibition hall, called small space, is located in an annex to the fourth gallery of the central space, with a lower ceiling and lighting independent, which can accessed by an opening in the wall as door. In this place, where usually there is traffic, Antonia gets surprised by the transformation that takes little space to revisit the main space. An intuitive connection that Joseph raised when a viewer makes a visit and creates an expectation and experience, which leads for different environments and access to the Foundation.

That meant that the Antonia, and the logic of intuition that Joseph sign, is presented in "Leave early," a work of Luz Broto presented as a premonition of an impossible exercise tragicocòmic inspires a moment and speculate as space traffic back to itself. Intervention used in a compressed time in which the viewer has the ability to generate alternatives, but imposed as a sentence without knowing how it bounces back and is expulsa't center of the universe Space Guinovart. Traffic carried by the visitor with the inability to generate or any other behavior that will not move back to the various corners of the old market.

In other words: this essay tailored more to bring the viewer into an unexpected place, generating an expectation incomplete and complementary as space in the chain of successive spaces in the context of the Foundation Guinovart, different power areas related to the inability to articulate the thematic studies: Access denied to all of the temporary exhibition space and the impossibility of escaping the outcome in which the viewer will be subjected.

So, "Leave early" is a job that fits substantially immaterial in the group work right cube, which develops Broto Luz since 2007 and categorized as interventions in exhibition spaces modified by altering function and / or meaning. Since then, using similar procedures, has performed, among others, as some right cube_03, (2010) where the institution agreed to disable access control in two points that allow for a gallery it diverts the public intrepid, right cube_04 (2010) where he opened the windows of an area that had closed over twenty years giving way to the unknown or right cube_02 (2007), where the middle of a room exhibitions, and without warning, began to fall a black liquid from the vent pipe that caused the appearance of a black basal invasive, using largely experimental and work processes that allow you to open cracks and filter external elements and unknown in the art work.

The work of Broto Luz have a component that was causing unpredictable, one night after turning off the light, to imagine situations that might happen on the day of the inauguration, just after Mass Sunday noon :

- The walls fell due to a taponament.

- It is a single file to be able to access it.

- A viewer asks explanations of how violent the artist.

- Created a time of uncertainty in deciding to go right or left.

- Two spectators are in opposite directions and do not know how to resolve the situation because of pressure from the rest of the spectators.

- A group of visitors come to the right and another group, to the left. Unable to pass, the last call to free space.

- There are groups of spectators, at the end of the opening could not have access to the exhibition.

- A man goes all red.

- Another man runs up against a wall.

- It is trapped viewer is transported to a wheelchair.

- Somebody call.

- Someone river.

Nothing happens that, even the spectators leave early.

Jordi Antas