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The Espai Guinovart Foundation has a group of five members (including the painter's daughter and nephew, a member of the Foundation's Board of Trustees and specialists in Guinovart's work).

Who determine the authenticity of the works presented to them, so that the Foundation can issue the corresponding certificate, and at the same time are responsible for initiating the relevant legal actions against the authors of forgeries, imitations and other fraudulent behaviour that may be detrimental to the work of Josep Guinovart.

The owner must first send, together with their full personal details, high-resolution photographs of the work, always including an image of the back, as well as all the information available (title, year, technique, measurements, previous owners, cataloguing, etc.), and the origin of its acquisition.

And if it is necessary to examine the work in person, the place where it should be deposited, in the city of Barcelona, will be indicated. The work must be sent unframed, and the applicant for the Certificate will always assume the economic cost of such transport (both shipping and return).

The fees are:

  • For the issue of the certificate: 150 € +VAT.
  • For the personal examination of the work in Barcelona: 350 € +VAT

Only one certificate will be issued for each work.

As for the graphic work (lithographs, engravings, serigraphs...), CENTRE D'OBRA JOSEP GUINOVART S.L., with e-mail and telephone 93.315. 27.31, will take care of the corresponding certification.

Solicitud certificados.pdf