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Res no és mesquí. Josep Guinovart i els poetes

Joan Salvat-Papasseit. Federico García Lorca. Pere Quart. José Hierro. Joanot Martorell. León Felipe. Josep Vallverdú

Centre Cultural Llibreria Blanquerna - Madrid

The work of Josep Guinovart (1927-2007) is varied in themes and techniques, and has attained a great height and importance that have merited wide recognition. His paintings, drawings, engravings, lithographs and volumetric works, which sometimes extend into space and are more difficult to classify, are of a diversity that is always justified by the necessity and depth with which they have been produced and the fact that they constitute a response to the essential concerns of their creator. One of these is their fidelity to all that is real. Thus, the everyday world can be found expressed in a more direct form, transfigured by the effect of a profound abstraction or as a collage. In the latter case, by the insertion, on the canvas itself or on any other support, of objects taken from the spaces around him where he executed them: his studio, the mountain next to him -corn kernels, branches, leaves, stones- or, as we saw here, related to a specific poet, such as the guitar that evokes García Lorca. The application of pigment, of colour, however, gives the work its ultimate meaning. Guinovart is, above all, a painter, a great painter of race, who is dazzled by light, which he describes in its infinite manifestations. In this exhibition we see mixed media paintings, etchings, lithographs and posters related to important poetic manifestations, an art which, together with music, always accompanied him. Catalan poetry is widely represented: Pere Quart, Josep Vallverdú, Joanot Martorell, Salvat-Papasseit, the poster for the First Catalan Poetry Festival and the meeting with the poets of exile and freedom such as José Hierro and León Felipe. There are numerous themes related to Federico García Lorca: from the etching of 1951, which can currently be seen in the Reina Sofía Museum in Madrid, to the various specific works and series produced in 1998. These works, of a very lucid and rich art that will remain beyond its time, are also a sample of the concerns and longings felt, suffered or enjoyed in our time. They are representative of Josep Guinovart's work and personality and speak to us not only of his interest in poetry, but also of his yearning for freedom, which was shared by the poets represented and which is inseparable from all genuine poetry.