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Res no Ă©s mesquĂ­, Guinovart i els poetes

Josep Guinovart.

Museu de la Garrotxa d'Olot.

Next Friday, July 5th, at 7:00 p.m., the inauguration of the exhibition will be held Nothing is ridiculous. Josep Guinovart and the poets, at the Museu de la Garrotxa d'Olot.

This exhibition is presented within the Itinerant Program promoted by the General Direction of Promotion and Cultural Cooperation, through the General Subdivision of Cultural Promotion and Libraries of the Department of Culture of the Generalitat of Catalonia, for exhibition spaces and museums with programming Stable and professional visual arts.

From the Espai Guinovart Foundation, considering the possibility of offering us this initiative promoted by the Subdirectorate General for Cultural Promotion, it was considered that the exhibition Res is not Mesquí. Josep Guinovart i els Poetes, presented at Espai Guinovart during the year 2010, was a good proposal to choose to participate in this Itinerant Program.

From the presentation of the project of this exhibition, the Commission of Roads makes a first selection of the entire amount of projects received in the Sub-Directorate, and the technicians and technicians responsible for the programming of public and private spaces of Broadcasting of the visual arts designates the most valued, being the exhibition produced by the Foundation one of the two selected projects, along with the Transitions exhibition. 70's in Spain, China and the United States, organized by the Photo Colectania Foundation.

Thus, the Museu de la Garrotxa is the first space to host it and where this itinerary will begin, which is expected to end in November 2014, after having been exhibited in Olot, Badalona, ​​Manresa and Santa Coloma de Gramenet . The exhibition, produced by the Private Foundation Espai Guinovart and curated by Manel Guerrero, brings together a series of works that, from the collection of the Private Foundation Espai Guinovart d'Agramunt and the Josep Guinovart Graphic Arts Center of Barcelona, ​​they witness the influence of poetry on Josep Guinovart's artistic career.

The works:

Belonging to the bottom of the Private Foundation Espai Guinovart:

The work dedicated to Màrius Torres, the work Itaca dedicated to the poetry of Kavafis, Federico García Lorca with the Poetry Series in New York, the work A Lorca and a selection of the Lorquianes Guitars, as well as a selection of the series dedicated to the decapitations of Pere Quart.

Belonging to the Josep Guinovart Graphic Arts Center:

Recordings of tribute to Federico García Lorca, lithographs dedicated to Salvat - Papasseit, serigraphs dedicated to the poetic work Las Quatro Estaciones de José Hierro, lithography dedicated to León Felipe, as well as a sample of illustrated books and posters made with motive of literary events.

Museu de la Garrotxa
c.Hospici, 8
17800 Olot
972 271 166

http: //

Schedule of the traveling exhibition

From July 5 to August 18, 2013 Museu de la Garrotxa C. de l'Hospici, 8 Olot.
From 12 September to 3 November 2013 Espai Betúlia C. Enric Borràs, 43 Badalona.
From January 13 to March 9, 2014 Cultural Center The Casino Pg. Pere III, 27 Manresa.
From March 14 to June 22, 2014 Can Sisteré C. de Sant Carles, s / n
Santa Coloma de Gramanet.
From September 25 to November 30, 2014 Museo Abelló C. Berenguer III, 122
Mollet del Vallès.