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Univers Guinovart

Josep Guinovart

Espai Carmen Thyssen-Sant Feliu de Guixols

Guinovart Universe is an exhibition created in coordination with the Espai Guinovart and the Espai Carmen Thyssen, with the presence of pieces from various museums and collections in the country, allowing the viewer to make a visit with multiple itineraries. Works made between 1948 and 2007 that make a mockery of an anthological discourse, defining his artistic trajectory through intertwined circles, paying homage to the character of open work with which Guinovart defined the reason for his plastic research: the gaze of the public that makes the sense and meaning its own.

Guinovart invites us to look at everything around us in a different way. He proposes to the gaze the continuity of a dialogue established on the basis of sensitivity. In his analysis of the world, he has explored and experimented with the link with nature, the earth and the environment, manipulating materials, working with space, volume and context from different artistic disciplines such as painting, collage, sculpture, engraving and installations, all of which are present in the exhibition.

The exhibition is a universe traced from two geographies: the first floor is dedicated to a physical geography, investigating the telluric roots that nourish the sensitivity towards a convulsive world, but also a world of dreams, of hope, of regeneration. The first floor explores a human geography, outlines a more introspective journey, bridging his vision of art "as a project, an unfinished sketch, an approach to desire, a mere attempt, the attempt to catch water with a sieve". The landscapes of the soul and the souls of the landscapes will lead us on an unusual journey through the Guinovart Universe.

Pilar Giró
Curator of the exhibition

Pilar Giró ens explica en aquest vídeo com s'articula la mostra artística

La Vanguardia

Agencia EFE

El pais


