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Guinovart 10th anniversary,

originals and graphic work

Sala Bantierra, Zaragoza

"Guinovart 10th anniversary, originals and graphic work" is exhibited in Zaragoza in the Bantierra Room by the Caja Rural de Aragón Foundation. This is the name of the sample composed of more than 50 works, originals, sculptures, lithographs and engravings are part of this exhibition, which is part of the commemorative events of the tenth anniversary of the artist's death. These collections, private and belonging to the foundation that bears his name, have been ceded to the Caja Rural de Aragón Foundation through his daughter María Guinovart for this event.

The exhibition of this versatile artist contemplates pictorial work an example of his sculptural work -such as the Lorca collection of guitars- as well as his extensive graphic work, among which the collections dedicated to Francisco de Goya or Bujaraloz stand out.

The exhibition can be seen in the Exhibition Hall of Bantierra (Coso, 29) of Zaragoza, from November 29 to February 15, from Monday to Friday, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.
