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La materia emancipada

Informalistas en México

Museo de arte Carrillo Gil.

The exhibition seeks to show how the most representative pictorial tendencies linked to international informalism arrived to the Mexican art scene and how this style of abstraction had resonances, both in the work of Mexican artists, and in the development of art and art collections. of his artistic and expository practices.

The exhibition presents, through works, publications and documents, a succession of events and expressions in which interesting points of contact between great creators and theoreticians linked to informalism and Mexican artists and intellectuals are revealed, who synchronously carried out works within this artistic trend.

The exhibition includes a very specific set of selected pieces that dialogue with each other and with various documents and reference materials.

The exhibition is organized from three very precise curatorial nuclei. The first one presents the Spanish currents of informalism, since it was the artists of this country and linked to this trend who had the greatest presence in Mexico. The second nucleus will expose examples of other European and American informalisms in the local art scene and, finally, the third nucleus will highlight the reflections of this pictorial practice in Mexican art of the 20th century.