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My tattoo is the earth

Josep Guinovart.

Ethnological Museum of Castilla y LeĆ³n in Zamora.

This exhibition produced by the Junta de Castilla y León, together with the Foundation and the Graphic Arts Center Josep Guinovart, is an intervention of 39 works by the Catalan artist in the 0 and 1 floors of permanent exhibition of the Museum Ethnographic, interacting with the pieces of the museum itself.
The inauguration ceremony was attended by the President of the Espai Guinovart Foundation, Maria Guinovart and the director of the Ethnographic Museum of Castilla y León, Carlos Piñel.

The use of materials such as mud, spikes of wheat, iron or soldering guts bring this artist's work to anthropology through man's land and trades. In this way, the work fits and seems to have always been here, among the most important sample of Ethnography in Castile and León.

The intervention allows us to appreciate the contrast between a Minotaur of Guinovart and the masquerade of Mecerreyes (Burgos) or between one of the welter pieces of the painter, cartoonist and Catalan engraver and a winter masquerade of Zamora. Two examples of the union between art and ethnography that were shown at the Ethnographic Museum of Castilla y León in Zamora.