• IntervencioĢ en aparador del Corte IngleĢs

IntervencioĢ en aparador del Corte IngleĢs


Carrer Preciados de Madrid, reconstruint l'intrevencioĢ que va fer l'any 1965 a l'aparador del Corte IngleĢs.
PlacĢ§a Catalunya de Barcelona

  • Conjunt de 6 plats
  • Conjunt de 6 plats
  • Conjunt de 6 plats
  • Conjunt de 6 plats
  • Conjunt de 6 plats
  • Conjunt de 6 plats

Conjunt de 6 plats


Retolador sobre porcellana26 x 26 x 2,5 cm
Col·lecció Fundació Lluis Coromina 

  • Ultramar
  • Ultramar
  • Ultramar
  • Ultramar
  • Ultramar
  • Ultramar
  • Ultramar
  • Ultramar
  • Ultramar
  • Ultramar
  • Ultramar
  • Ultramar



Folder with the title Ultramar with five signed and numbered serigraphs by Josep Guinovart (1927-2007) and five poems by the poet of Cuernavaca, Mexico, Miquel Àngel Muñoz (1972).
Es va imprimir a l'estudi gràfic de Enrique Cattaneo a Temixco, Morelos, México el mes de gener 2005.

The edition consists of 132 copies, 100 of 1 of 100. 10 copies as author's proof, 10 copies as editor's proof, 10 copies as maker's proof and 2 copies as proof d'impressor.

  • Naturaleza veloz.

Naturaleza veloz.


Ford Fiesta pintat per Guinovart que va protagonitzar la campanya de la tercera generació d'aquest model de Ford.
Col·lecioĢ Bassat.

  •  Titella.



23x9x14 cm
Cartó i paper diari.
Construida  amb motiu del III Festival Internacional de Titelles celebrat a Barcelona l'any 1975 . Col·lecció del MAE del Institut Teatre Barcelona .

  • Rug in homage to Picasso

Rug in homage to Picasso


Untitled, 1971. Marker on fabric. 39.5 x 52.5 cm

ā€‹At the end of 1971, a dozen galleries and bookstores that exhibited portraits or works by Pablo Picasso in tribute to his 90th birthday, were attacked by the ultra-right with Molotov cocktails, among them the Taller de Picasso gallery and the Cinc d'Oros bookstore in Barcelona.

In 1972, the managers of the Taller de Picasso gallery sent envelopes to different creators and artists with a white carpet with hand-made lace, so that they could make a work or dedication to Picasso that would be exhibited in the city French village of Vallauris where the painter lived.

The initiative was a great success among the relevant artists of the time (Alexander Calder, Wilfredo Lam, Benjamín Palencia, Antoni Clavé, Josep Maria Subirachs, Manolo Millares, Joan-Josep Tharrats, Antoni Tàpies, Modest Cuixart, Equipo Crónica, Joan Miró, etc...) mocking the censorship of the time, sending the rugs by ordinary mail, although unfortunately Picasso did not get to see the joint exhibition as he died in 1973

Guinovart joined this initiative, and his rug is currently part of the Santiago Palet collection.

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