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Art i Territori 2024

One more year we collaborated in the Summer University course of the UdL "Art and territory".

Art and territory is a face-to-face course to enhance creativity through artistic practice. It is a collaborative learning space to share and enjoy artistic experiences in a rural context. The workshops are open to all people over 18 years of age and it is not necessary to have previous knowledge or artistic skills or a university degree.

[EN]White is the theme of this tenth edition of the summer course. The most concrete and close whites, especially those of the fog, the angel bread of the Agramunt nougat and the flour of the cereal grown in our landscape, apart from other more abstract whites, are those that are approached from different techniques and areas: humid and dry white on black, gastronomy, food design, sculptural installation, origami, kirigami and writing.


Thursday 4
Session in Espai Guinovart

10.00 h _ Reception of the participants

10.15-10.30 h _ Inaugural event and presentation of the course.
In charge of Sílvia Fernández, mayor of Agramunt; Amanda Cardona, Councilor for Culture; Maria Guinovart, Fundación Espai Guinovart; Pau Minguet, Guillem Viladot Foundation, and Xavier Brufau, Ondara Art School.

10.30-11.30 h _ Maria Guinovart, 30 years of Espai Guinovart.

11.30-14.00 h and 16.00-19.00 h _ Erik Schmitz
Collaborative creation of an edible sculptural installation.
The workshop invites you to reflect and create ephemeral, personal and collective spaces of refuge in the purest existential sense. Rethinking our behavior as a species, what the nest, the chrysalis or the home represent.
Session in a stubble field of the environment

19.30-21.00 h _ Jordi Prenafeta. haiku workshop
Haiku is an oriental poetic genre that is characterized by brevity and contemplative poetry. After presenting their formal characteristics, we do a collective reading of haikus. Next, the participants are invited to relax, be silent and connect with themselves and the environment to find creative inspiration and put some poetic motif that will allow them to write one or more haikus for each one. The session ends with the collective reading of the prepared haikus.

Friday 5
Session in Lo Pardal

11.00-11.30 h _ Pau Minguet. Discovery of Lo Pardal.
Visit of Guillem Viladot's work and, in addition, two temporary exhibitions: Resiliencias, by Pep Companys, and another by Carme Malaret together with Abdó Martí. Sessions in the Civic Space.

11.30-13.30 _ Xavi Moron. Preparation of exvotos of bread.
We choose social problems to deal with critically and translate them into exvotos. Bread making workshop, from kneading by hand to baking.

13.30-14.00 h and 16.00-20.00 h _ Álvaro Calvet. From white to black, from black to white: white as the code of not seeing.
With closed eyes we discover that mistakes are not such, but a gateway to beauty, another beauty, to enhance the rest of the senses, what the artist usually calls "blind ways of drawing".

20.00-21.00h _ Xavi Moron. Elaboration of an edible sculpture.
With a mass of solid olive oil, to evoke goodness and spirituality. With nougat from Agramunt, we make some nougat with nougat
strange forms that tell us about pleasure and sensuality.

Saturday 6
Session in Espai Guinovart

10.00-12.30 h _ Fátima Puig. The versatility of paper.
Origami and kirigami. Introduction to origami (the art of paper folding) and kirigami (the art of cutting). Different techniques and uses: origami in wrapping or in mathematics.

Collaborative workshop: creation of an installation with different tessellated structures from origami pieces.

Session in the Espai Guinovart - Petit Espai

12.30-1.00 pm _ Gastón Lisak
Guided tour of the work of Gastón Lisak, with the artist himself:

Session in the Civic Space.

13.00-17.00 h _ Activities at the end of the course:
Exhibition of haikus.
Act of faith (performance by Álvar Calvet).
Delivery of certificates.
Closure with popular lunch (prepared by Xavi Moron) to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Arte y Territorio.