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Agramunt a Guinovart

Josep Guinovart.

"I was in Agramunt in the years 1937-1938, during the Civil War. The first bombing of the town determined the flight to the country, where we lived very much together, grandfather, mother, aunts and brothers, in a hut. This forced a direct relationship with nature, as well as elements, things, tools, animals. [...] Well into the 70's or early 80's, for family and friendship, I got in touch with Agramunt, after a long time. Then I discovered the sources, the origin of certain structures in my language; obsessions, materials like earth, straw, grain. Identification with geographies and arid environments. The possibility of this Space gives me the enthusiasm to make coherent idea and feeling. I have not tried to make a museum, but a work that belongs to Agramunt, its surroundings, its inhabitants, to these lands and to its seasons: simplicity from the green of spring to the golden ones of the wheat of the summer, of Autumn red stubble in the cool and foggy winter range. Agramunt, more Segarra than Urgell. With the quiet mystery of the Sió basin ".

Josep Guinovart

If you are aware of one thing when you know Agramunt's Espai Guinovart and subsequently enter into its history and daily activity, it is the fact that Josep Guinovart's work is not only present in a way Evidently, there is a deeply intense link between his work and Agramunt, or, as Guillem Viladot wrote, his work transmits a "intense communion with Agramunt."

The person and the art of Guinovart are not only materialized works in a space, but have become a symbol shared by inhabitants who have felt their language as a reference to their past or present reality, a manifestation artistic in which the earth, the wheat, the tools of the field, the weather, the seasons, the rain, the sun, the moon and the stars are protagonists, but not from the remote and idealizing point of view of those who do not know the world of field, but from the vision of the one who has known him deeply and has been captivated: a world of hard and arid beauty, constant struggle and effort.

For this reason, the work of Guinovart that can be seen in the space that opened in Agramunt in 1994 has become a "tribute to the community" that Viladot spoke, a true recognition to everything a town that, at the same time, has ended up recognizing itself in this space and in this work, doing theirs.

Five years after the death of Josep Guinovart, Agramunt has been the one who has wanted to remember him and to pay homage to him through his work, have been his inhabitants, through different associations, organizations and groups, those who have He chose the works that they want to be present in the Space, in a kind of collective and shared commissariat that has revived the memory of the artist.

This coral and crowd tribute, which has attracted so much people, is not only to remember the person of Josep Guinovart, but also to realize that, through his work, Guinovart becomes something present for all those who We participate in the homage, becoming a symbol of a unique and magical encounter: the encounter of art and earth, of Guinovart and Agramunt.

Sílvia Muñoz de Imbert
Historian and art critic