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Guinovart after Guinovart

Josep Guinovart

Josep Guinovart is one of the most influential Catalan artists of the second half of the 20th century. His restless and curious nature led him to explore new avenues of artistic expression that contributed significantly to the opening up and modernization of the arts throughout the Iberian Peninsula. It is not surprising, then, that his contributions and those of his generation have left their mark on the generations that have succeeded him. It is for this reason that this exhibition —proposed as an exercise in visual and conceptual association— aims to establish links between the work of Josep Guinovart and that of artists —almost all from generations after his— of very varied trends and ages.

We have selected a total of thirteen artists who constitute a broad and cross-sectional representation of Catalan art in recent years. Some have received a direct influence from Guinovart, the result of a friendship or mastery relationship. Others did not know the artist personally, but they declare themselves admirers of his work and have explored —with their own personalities and contributions, of course— paths that Guinovart had also traveled. Others, however, are part of this selection for the simple fact of developing a work that, despite being totally contemporary and formally removed from Guinovart's world, has points of contact with his.

Sometimes the point of union is formal or technical, but in other cases it is a conceptual relationship or simply one of thematic or character. Guinovart's plastic world is so wide and varied that it is even easy to find elements that, in one way or another, survive in the work of his successors. Through this selection a stimulating dialogue is established between the work of Guinovart and that of Jordi Alcaraz, Frederic Amat, Alfons Borrell, Josep Maria Camí, Tono Carbajo, Germán Consetti, Jordi Fulla, Antoni Llena, Anna Llimós, Laia Noal, Guillermo Pfaff, Gerard Sala and Guim Tió. It is surely the clearest proof of the validity of Josep Guinovart's artistic legacy.

Bernat Puigdollers
Curator of the exhibition
