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Retaule d'un temps mutilat sobre "Les Decapitacions" de Pere Quart


Always the tree is the same, the source is the same. I think that artists in all their different languages ​​are branches and rivers of the same mother.

Poets, as musicians have always seduced me, have strengthened my expressive field. A wide field, open from subtle lyricisms to rupturist, brutalistic, improvised, humanized expressions far from the pamphlet.

Between the sixties and seventies I did the first works on "The beheadings" by Joan Oliver and also the plays of the theater "What could have happened."

This exhibition today is the summary or expressive moment of my attitude, constant change in my career, the need to combine form and content.

We have the urgency of recovering humanisms.

"Altarpiece of a mutilated time". On this quote by Pere Quart this exhibition is supported. Part of this century has been a mutilated big time, a great emptiness has invaded a society that is consumed consuming. I have tried to make a great altarpiece consistent with my thoughts and feelings.

This vivid, testimonial frieze of our historical moment must be transferred by the plastic language that is definitely what is transcendental.

Painting, for orthodoxy or not, is complicity, it is the look, the third look that brings us closer to discovering the mystery. Look, you should not get tired, look. Touch, touch light, matter, color, play and human tragedy.

Josep Guinovart
June 2000