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A Guinovart

Collective exhibition

As Josep Guinovart is a man who visually impairs any form, at least, of worship of personality, and even less if it is his own, it may seem paradoxical for the celebration of the Guinovart Year and the fact of making a specimen entitled precisely "To Guinovart".

The initiative of the exhibition "A Guinovart", was held by the Agramunt Espai Guinovart Foundation, with the objective of emphasizing and strengthening the work of bringing contemporary art closer to the regions of Ponent that this Space has Starting in 1994 with the regular organization of exhibitions by renowned artists and others that bring renewal concerns.

The exhibition "At Guinovart" takes place in two areas, in the Public Library of Lleida and in the Guinovart Area of ​​Agramunt; and consists of fifty works, one of each of the fifty artists that participate, which in fact make up a wide selection of those who have exhibited in the Guinovart Area since its inauguration.

The sample catalog is more oriented towards complementing it literally than not cataloging and commenting on the works, although this is also the case. In this way, in "A Guinovart", another dimension is added to the dimension of artists, that of some poets and other writers.

Already in the text of the inaugural catalog of Espai Guinovart was quoted a poem, "El viento", by Pere Gimferrer:

"(...) the disaffection of the word and the visible world:
We say words, but we do not say the world. (...)
And we do not even live signs: from the sound of the signs,
not the life of the word, but the skin of sound.
The drowsiness of the world at the expense of words. "

And yes, in the eyes of the words and the skin of the sound of the signs, the
world is warming up, it becomes poetic. It is the greatness of writing, and also
It is the virtue of art. Thus, the artist does signs, he does not do 'the world',
yes, yes that does 'his world', which has, however, as a referent 'a world', which
for Guinovart is the rural world of Ponent, of Agramunt, the fury of
the unconscious that raises him from his childhood and that causes one
gale of lived sensations, memories of experiences, which
refers to the roots of a culture, which we can capture in the Space

Indeed, in art and in poetry, the contradictions are overcome; all
the enigmas are resolved. Eventor, present and past, as well as the
dream and vigil, they unite in the great ascending venturia,
preconscient, and the times and places are united and confused. And ideas
Abstracts represented metaphorically or contrametaphorically, i
Emblems of symbols of other symbols, there is amalgamation to draw
new allegories or anti-allegories.

Consequently, the set of the fifty works exhibited "irresponses" (because the representation is stifled by the wind blow that comes from Panadella, the door of Ponent), that is, it presents a great battle between many of the forces of Art: the clash of fifty contradictory and even antagonistic visions.

In this collective presentation and "unrepresented" (the sum and subtraction of the art understood by each one of the way - even representative - that most pleases to him), the anarchic call to make the exhibition, the absence of esthetic criterion Univocal, the lack of leadership, the denial of fear of falling into the indiscriminate blend (which is inseparable from collective creation), the claim of individual and radical freedom, and the libertarian flag that claims fifty artists (not necessarily Agate), for Guinovart boy and his two brothers and their mother, who flee from the war front, walking from Agramunt to Cervera to take on the last Republican train will be welcomed by Guinovart. from Ponent to Barcelona.

The aesthetic confrontation - and not competition, at all! - which means "At Guinovart" is a joint reflection - and biased by the seagrass smell - of the artistic scene that is permanently developed in Espai Guinovart. And of all this, fortunately, there are no conclusions. Let each one of the spectators pass back their passivity and act, which means that they look, that they create their world in the eyes of fifty eyes (if they do not dazzle it and confuse it), to suspend the judgment so that this one will be can transform.