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Cos, percepció i resistència.

Josep Guinovart.

Create and recreate, transform the situation, participate actively in the process, that is to resist.
Michel Foucaultmateches.

This exhibition shows several pieces that share the singular expression of the body of the Catalan painter. His strokes, which become ferocious in some places, generate paintings full of power, but also fragility. The bodies of these works appear as a privileged place for experience, and this, as a possibility for the generation of spaces for meeting, dialogue and complicity. Far from the contemplative representations, soft colors and clean brushstrokes, characteristic of other artistic eras, such as Renaissance or Catalan Modernism, the works of Guinovart participate in the provocation, break with the proportions of Apollo to reaffirm life without to flee from desire or from sexuality. They arrive at the viewer and share with him the impulse that can only be given from the body and that so much fear still produces in certain sectors, like the monk. The bodies, painted on many occasions without face, favor the possibility of understanding them as the other or as something of ours. The "unnecessary" of customizing and hiding any of its parts allows us to perceive them as an expression of what we share, which belongs to us, which can unite us or separate us. For this reason, we propose an aesthetic look that starts from the understanding of the body as a necessary condition for resistance, and this, as an articulation of difference. The opposites, the struggle of opposites and the binomials, to leave room for nuances, to a certain degree of disobedience, as the empowerment of one's body, are redundant to the rediscovery of what we are from the physicality that characterizes us. It is a resistance to the normalization, the control of the bodies, the movement and the cohibited gestures, the rigid structures and the lines and speeds that prevail in our lives, restricting the territories to become. The perception of the body present in the works of Guinovart plays with the forms and proportions, experiences with their own privacy and with the shared, resonates with their time and with the present, beyond the correct one. It asks us commitment to the context in which we are part, but, above all, with ourselves.