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Jordi Alcaraz


Jordi Alcaraz's work has a life of its own: it is born, grows and breathes by itself. All his works are the fruit of an unknown force that pushes them to be as they are. The mystery is revealed to us in the same way that it is present in the tender bud of a tree, in a gust of wind or a frost. The ink - container of everything imaginable - flows incessantly and descends like a dark magma on the target. The shadows widen and dilate. The lines of the drawings fly over the albas steppes of the paper.
Alcaraz takes us into the world of the intangible. He makes visible the presences that are no longer but still remain, the shadows that flee for fear of being seen, the things that could be and never will be. His works are facts, living presences, and nobody knows why. All of his work is sustained by a strange balance, by a mysterious fragility that fills everything.

Bernat Puigdollers
Curator of the show